Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify the main food groups and healthy sourcesStudent completed work
2investigate at least three initiatives to encourage healthy eating and lifestyleStudent completed work
3investigate at least three possible causes of childhood obesity and its effect on health and developmentStudent completed work
4suggest with reasons the content of a healthy lunchbox for a child attending reception classStudent completed work
5describe with reasons a range of healthy snacks for a three year old childStudent completed work
6investigate suitable healthy foods for at least three alternative diets, eg vegetarian, other culturally defined dietsStudent completed work
7describe at least two types of food intolerance of food allergiesStudent completed work
8suggest two reasons why a child may refuse foodStudent completed work
9take part in a discussion on the importance of happy family mealtimesSummary sheet
10produce a leaflet or PowerPoint presentation to advise parents on how to deal with children who refuse food.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 17 February 2011Level - Entry Level