Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify the first signs of illnessStudent completed work
2describe at least three symptoms that suggest a child needs to see a doctorStudent completed work
3suggest at least two guidelines for safely administering medicine to a childStudent completed work
4identify normal body temperature and describe two ways of taking a child's temperatureStudent completed work
5describe at least two ways to help reduce a high temperature in a childStudent completed work
6describe at least three ways to prepare a child for a stay in hospitalStudent completed work
7describe how to recognise the symptoms of meningitisStudent completed work
8identify the importance of sun safety and describe at least four ways to protect a child in the sunStudent completed work
9take part in a discussion about the importance of immunisation and the arguments for and againstStudent completed work
10produce a leaflet or poster for parents on how to deal with basic first aid for at least four different minor injuries, eg cuts, bangs, grazes, minor scalds.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 October 2005Level - Entry Level