Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1form at least three letters correctly and consistently, both uppercase and lowercaseSummary sheet and/or student completed work
2spell a growing number of given common sight words correctly, eg 'the', 'and', 'is'Summary sheet and/or student completed work
3construct at least two simple sentences using spaces in between words, capital letters, full stops and proper nounsSummary sheet and/or student completed work
4express at least two ideas and experiences in writing, using drawings and wordsSummary sheet and/or student completed work
5understand the basic structure of a story, ie beginning, middle, endSummary sheet and/or student completed work
6use at least two adjectives and/or other descriptive words to enhance their writingSummary sheet and/or student completed work
7write at least two simple responses to given stories or texts read in classSummary sheet and/or student completed work
8describe, narrate, explain, argue, instruct, give and respond to a given piece of informationSummary sheet and/or student completed work
9identify the key features of the concept of reviewing and improving their writingSummary sheet and/or student completed work
10use a technique to write with the purpose of delivering impact, eg emphasising key points, deliberately structuring key points, using creative language, using persuasive language.Summary sheet and/or student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 5 December 2024Level - Entry Level