Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

acquired an understanding of

1the main ways to navigate the Peer Support Worker role safely and effectivelySummary sheet
2the key times and situations the professional, legal and ethical frameworks and policies are relevant to the role of the Peer Support WorkerSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

3the key benefits and challenges of using legal, professional and ethical frameworksSummary sheet
4the six key principles underpinning adult safeguarding according to The Care Act 2014Summary sheet
5the NICE (National Institute for health and Care Excellence) definition of self-harm, understanding that there are many potential causes for self-harmSummary sheet
6the key importance of open conversations, particularly relating to topics of self-harm and suicideSummary sheet
7the benefits and challenges of supervision, including things they can do before, during and after each supervision meetingSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

8identify at least two times when the Peer Support Worker may potentially experience conflict when looking at case studies relating to confidentiality, consent and information sharingSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

9the key situations when the Peer Support Worker role should involve others, by reviewing case studies relating to adult safeguardingStudent completed work
10the impact that there may be on a Peer Support Worker, by reviewing case studies relating to self-harm and suicideStudent completed work
11the key reasons supervision is necessary, by reviewing case studies relating to supervision.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 15 November 2024Level - Level Two