Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1insert and align at least two pieces of text and numerical dataStudent completed work
2insert at least two headers and footers including automatic fields, eg filename, date and time, page numberStudent completed work
3use at least two formulae and basic functions that produce correct results, eg sum, average, bracketsStudent completed work
4insert and delete at least two rows and columnsStudent completed work
5format at least two pieces of numerical data, eg to display in an integer, to two decimal places, to display a currency symbolStudent completed work
6set the page layout, eg margins, page size, page orientationStudent completed work
7print the spreadsheet showing the data, formulae, gridlines, column and row headingsStudent completed work
8select at least two data sets to create a graph distinguishing between pie charts, line graphs, bar and column charts and comparative graphsStudent completed work
9use common formatting and alignment techniques in at least two graphs and charts, eg axes titles, data labels, a legendStudent completed work
10print the graph on a sheet separate to the data source.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 30 October 2024Level - Level One