Unit Award Scheme
In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have | Evidence needed | |
demonstrated the ability to | ||
1 | listen to at least two stories with increasing attention and recall | Summary sheet |
2 | follow a straightforward sequence of points or events | Summary sheet |
3 | sequence at least three ideas and information | Summary sheet |
4 | present at least two pieces of information and ideas clearly to others | Summary sheet |
5 | contribute to, and follow the main points of a formal discussion of ideas and opinions, showing some understanding of the contributions of others | Summary sheet |
6 | read the speed sounds set three list | Summary sheet |
7 | read the Read Write Inc (RWI) green words set three and the first 100 high frequency words lists | Summary sheet |
8 | read at least three common two syllable words | Summary sheet |
9 | read at least two short texts, understanding the main points, retrieving and recording information from one of the texts | Summary sheet |
10 | use knowledge of language to sequence a set of events and instructions | Summary sheet |
11 | match at least three sentence parts | Summary sheet |
12 | clearly form their letters with legible handwriting | Summary sheet |
13 | write at least two simple sentences using the past and present tense, full stops and an initial capital letter | Summary sheet |
14 | sustain their writing to more than a sentence, eg a message, postcard | Summary sheet |
15 | spell at least three simple monosyllabic words correctly. | Summary sheet |
All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet
Approved 9 July 2024Level - Pre-Entry Level