Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1two ways farming changed in the period c1876-c1895 eg dry farming, barbed wireStudent completed work
2two ways the cattle industry and ranching changed in the period c1876-c1895, including the fall of beef prices (1882), harsh winter (1886-87) and the end of the open range (1887)Student completed work
3at least two reasons why people continued to settle in the West, including the Exoduster movement (1879) and the Oklahoma Land Rush (1893)Student completed work
4at least two changes in the West which affected law and order including the continued growth of crime and the US Government responses to this Student completed work
5at least two wars including the Johnson County WarStudent completed work
6conflict with the Plains Indians including; the Battle of Little Big Horn (1876) and the Wounded Knee Massacre (1890)Student completed work

demonstrated the ability to

7write briefly about the destruction of the Plains Indians' way of life including; the extermination of the buffalo and the impact of reservations.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 5 December 2023Level - Level One