Unit Award Scheme
In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have | Evidence needed | |
demonstrated the ability to | ||
1 | identify and extract relevant information in at least two straightforward explanations | Summary sheet and/or student completed work |
2 | make requests and ask concise questions using appropriate language in at least two different contexts | Summary sheet and/or student completed work |
3 | communicate information and opinions clearly on at least two topics | Summary sheet and/or student completed work |
4 | respond appropriately to questions on at least two straightforward topics | Summary sheet and/or student completed work |
5 | follow and understand the main points of at least two discussions | Summary sheet and/or student completed work |
6 | make relevant contributions to at least two group discussions about straightforward topics | Summary sheet and/or student completed work |
7 | listen to and respond appropriately to at least two other points of view, respecting conventions of turn-taking. | Summary sheet and/or student completed work |
All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet
Approved 24 October 2023Level - Entry Level