Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1perform a warm up routine to include Raise Activate Mobilise Potentiate (RAMP) elementsSummary sheet
2skip continuously for a three minute round showing at least two tempo changesSummary sheet
3maintain correct boxing stance and guard, showing movement in all directions and pivotsSummary sheet
4deliver at least two hooks to the head and body of an opponent or sparring partnerSummary sheet
5deliver a minimum of two upper cutsSummary sheet
6use torso defences, eg slip and roll, on at least two occasionsSummary sheet
7block straight punches to the headSummary sheet
8shadow box for three sets of two minute rounds demonstrating footwork, eg double steps and pivots, defences, eg slip and roll, and punches, eg bent and straight arm shotsSummary sheet
9complete padwork for three sets of two minute rounds, demonstrating effective combination punches and defences, footwork and punches Summary sheet
10perform a circuit of 10 high intensity exercises for 45 seconds each, with 15 second interval breaksSummary sheet
11perform one chill skill or emotion regulation skills practice for three minutesSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12punch mechanics and how power is generated in straight and bent arm shotsSummary sheet
13how chill skills can be used to effectively regulate the mind and body.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 September 2023Level - Level One