Unit Award Scheme
In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have | Evidence needed | |
demonstrated the ability to | ||
1 | run fast on the track from start to finish | Summary sheet |
2 | run over low hurdles | Summary sheet |
3 | run in a slalom pattern | Summary sheet |
4 | throw beanbags underarm to aim at hoops | Summary sheet |
5 | throw beanbags overarm for distance | Summary sheet |
6 | throw a turbo javelin overarm for distance | Summary sheet |
7 | perform a standing long jump or jump off the bench | Summary sheet |
8 | jump or reach up to a target | Summary sheet |
9 | jump or step through a row of hoops. | Summary sheet |
All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet
Approved 19 July 2023Level - Entry Level