Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1define key terms related to gender bias, eg androcentrism, beta bias, scientific racism, intersectionalityStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

2research reported by Jessica Good, Julie Woodzicka and Lylan Wingfield (2010) which showed that female students perform better in science when the images in their textbooks include women scientistsSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

3design a content analysis of the types of male and female images presented in textbooks, in order to investigate whether males are more often presented in positive, dominant or aspirational roles than womenStudent completed work
4select appropriate content from at least two sources, eg textbooks or websitesStudent completed work
5construct suitable behavioural categories to use in their content analysis, eg males as therapists, males as patients, females as therapists, females as patients Student completed work
6conduct their content analysis and gather data Student completed work
7write a conclusion and discuss the wider applications of the findings from their content analysisStudent completed work
8create or plan a social media campaign, making at least two recommendations to textbook and media editors and publishers to encourage greater inclusivity and representation of underrepresented groups in positive roles in textbooks.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 23 May 2023Level - Level Three