Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1use the word gravity when commenting on objects falling Summary sheet
2sort given objects into magnetic and non-magnetic categoriesSummary sheet
3use the signs 'magnetic' and 'non-magnetic' when making predictions and observing Summary sheet
4start using the terms 'attract' and 'repel' appropriately Summary sheet
5describe magnets as having two poles, ie north and south Summary sheet
6find items or surfaces that help to create more friction to stop them slipping Summary sheet


7holding paper of different sizes up to the wind and stating why the large piece of paper is more difficult to holdSummary sheet
8investigating how the size of a parachute affects how slowly or quickly it falls Summary sheet
9exploring which magnet is the strongest, based on how many paper clips it picks upSummary sheet
10using different surfaces to test which ones make a toy car roll slower or faster.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 July 2022Level - Entry Level