Unit Award Scheme

116995 HITLER'S RISE TO POWER 1919-33

In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1key facts about Hitler’s early career, including his joining the German Workers’ Party and setting up the Nazi PartyStudent completed work
2the main polices of the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), including the Twenty-Five Point Programme and the role of the SA (Sturmabteilung)Student completed work
3the Munich Putsch, including what led to it, the key events and its main consequences Student completed work
4why support for the Nazi Party from 1924-28 was limitedStudent completed work
5the role of 'Mein Kampf' and the Bamberg Conference in 1926 in the reorganisation of the Party between 1924-28Student completed work
6the reasons why support for the Nazis grew between 1929-32, including the Wall Street Crash, growth of unemployment, failure of the Weimar governments and the growth in support for the Communist PartyStudent completed work
7the key actions of the Nazi Party which helped them grow in support. eg the appeal of Hitler and the Nazis, the effects of propaganda and the work of the SAStudent completed work
8the main political developments in 1932, including the role and actions of Hindenburg, Brüning, von Papen and von SchleicherStudent completed work
9the part played by Hindenburg and von Papen in Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933Student completed work

demonstrated the ability to

10write briefly about the reasons why Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933. Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 April 2022Level - Level One