Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1research information about the sport that is going to be taught as part of the sessionSummary sheet
2make key notes from their research to enable them to be more effective when leading the sessionStudent completed work
3present key information about the sport to their peer groupSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

4the rules of the chosen sport being deliveredSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

5safely set up the equipment required for the sports sessionSummary sheet
6check all the equipment is safe to use before the coaching session beginsSummary sheet and/or student completed work
7lead students in a warm up and cool down session, including stretchesSummary sheet
8identify any risks associated with the sport with the aid of a member of staffStudent completed work
9reflect on the session they led and make a note of at least two adaptations or improvements that could be made in future sessionsStudent completed work
10lead a new session using the adaptations from their reflection and review how well they workedSummary sheet
11keep a log of their experience of leading the sessions over at least half a school term Student completed work

shown knowledge of

12at least two different leadership strategiesSummary sheet
13how to make adaptations to a session to make it accessible to allSummary sheet


14leading at least two sports sessions of 30 minutes for a group of at least six people.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 17 November 2021Level - Level One