Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1participate in an active warm up with support Summary sheet
2copy and explore at least two simple stretches and exercises with support and promptingSummary sheet
3catch and throw a basketball with an adult partner using two hands at least ten timesSummary sheet
4catch and throw a basketball with a peer partner using two hands at least three timesSummary sheet
5start at one floor marker and walk or run to another floor marker when prompted Summary sheet
6move from one floor marker to another and then catch the ball with two hands when promptedSummary sheet
7aim and throw the basketball towards a hoop when promptedSummary sheet
8aim and throw the basketball into the hoop from an appropriate distance at least three timesSummary sheet
9follow a short movement sequence when prompted, eg moving from one marker to another marker, catching and throwing the ball towards the hoop.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 April 2021Level - Pre-Entry Level