Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify at least three potential kitchen hazardsStudent completed work
2identify at least two causes of accidents in the kitchen, eg excessive haste, distractionSummary sheet
3identify at least two ways to prevent an accident when using knivesSummary sheet
4identify at least two ways to prevent scalds and burns in the kitchenSummary sheet
5identify at least two ways to prevent other types of accidents occurring in the kitchen, eg dry a wet floor to prevent a person slippingSummary sheet


6taking part in a discussion on safety awareness in the kitchenSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7the importance of working safely in a kitchen environmentSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

8identify at least five basic kitchen hygiene procedures, eg washing hands, cleaning surfaces, and give at least one risk associated with not following each procedureSummary sheet
9identify at least five basic food hygiene procedures, eg refrigeration, defrosting frozen food, and give at least one risk associated with not following each procedure correctlySummary sheet
10identify the correct chopping boards to use for cutting raw meat, fish, cooked food and vegetablesSummary sheet
11identify at least one risk associated with not using the correct chopping boardSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12the meaning of cross contaminationSummary sheet
13the importance of ensuring all food utensils are clean before useSummary sheet
14the importance of working hygienically in a kitchen environment.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 January 2021Level - Level One