Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1spot and identify at least two fungiSummary sheet
2record where fungus growsStudent completed work
3sketch at least two fungi in a nature journalStudent completed work
4make a spore printStudent completed work
5draw a diagram of a given fungiStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

6the six Kingdoms of Living ThingsSummary sheet
7the role fungi play in nature's recyclingStudent completed work
8the fact that fungi do not have chlorophyllSummary sheet
9what fungi webs and spores areSummary sheet


10observing fungus using multiple sensesSummary sheet
11reading or listening to poetry based on fungiSummary sheet
12exploring art linked to the topic ‘fungus’.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 October 2020Level - Entry Level