Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1at least two different type of leafs on a seedlingStudent completed work
2when a seedling is ready to be pricked outStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

3collect the equipment and set up the work space safelySummary sheet
4fill the seed tray or pot correctlySummary sheet
5consolidate the compost correctlySummary sheet
6transplant the seedlings without damage, using a pricking out dibberSummary sheet
7insert the seedlings to the correct depth into the new trays using a pricking out dibber to prevent damageSummary sheet
8write a label, including the date and full plant nameStudent completed work and/or photograph(s)
9watering the seedlings, using a fine rose head on the watering can Summary sheet
10place the seedlings in the correct area for growthSummary sheet
11tidy and clean the area, returning all the tools to shed and placing any rubbish in the bin.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 16 November 2020Level - Level One