Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1at least three different housing or accommodation options in regard to independent living Student completed work
2when and how to access and bid for a property on a given housing portalStudent completed work
3at least three utility services a person will require when living independentlyStudent completed work
4at least eight bills or expenses that need to be paid, eg rent, utilitiesStudent completed work
5where to turn off the utilities in the property in an emergency, eg water, electric, gasStudent completed work
6how to register as a new customer with utility companiesSummary sheet
7at least two responsibilities as a tenant as outlined in a tenancy agreementSummary sheet
8at least four of the responsibilities of a landlord Student completed work

shown knowledge of

9record a utility meter reading Student completed work
10participate in a session about what it means to live independently Summary sheet
11participate in a group discussion about the various bills they would have to pay if living independently.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 October 2020Level - Level One