Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1stop at a safe distance to the kerb before crossing the roadSummary sheet
2identify when there is traffic comingSummary sheet
3make own decision when to cross the road safelySummary sheet
4look both ways before and while crossing the roadSummary sheet
5walk at a steady, safe pace across the roadSummary sheet
6identify a safe place to cross the road when there is not a designated safe crossing point, eg a pelican or zebra crossingSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7the Green Cross CodeStudent completed work


8using a controlled crossing such as a zebra or pelican crossing to cross the road safely and independentlySummary sheet and/or photograph(s)
9crossing the road safely and independently at a non-specified crossing point.Summary sheet and/or photograph(s)

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 August 2020Level - Pre-Entry Level