Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify at least three potential dangers at home Summary sheet
2identify at least two causes of fire and suggest a preventative method for each Summary sheet
3cross the road safely Summary sheet
4recognise at least three common road signs and explain what they mean Summary sheet
5communicate one negative consequence of 'joy riding' Summary sheet
6identify one social network site and state its age restriction Summary sheet
7identify two potential dangers of internet communication, eg 'sexting' and 'grooming' Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

8at least two home safety measures Summary sheet
9at least three pieces of information which should not be shared publicly online Summary sheet
10what to do if someone online asks to meet in person Summary sheet
11how to report abuse online Summary sheet
12the impact social media can have on a person's body image Summary sheet
13the main risks involved with cosmetic procedures Summary sheet


14taking part in a scenario-based discussion about how to keep safe Summary sheet
15role playing a 999 call. Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 September 2020Level - Entry Level