Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the reason why deer fencing sometimes needs to be installedSummary sheet
2at least three hazards associated with installing deer fencingSummary sheet
3how these hazards can be avoidedSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

4select the appropriate personal protective equipment for the taskSummary sheet
5return tools to the designated tool area on completion of each stage of fencing installationSummary sheet
6select and securely attach at least two netting staples to the fence posts at the correct spacingSummary sheet
7select the correct location for the line of the deer fenceSummary sheet
8create a pilot hole with an iron bar at the correct spacingSummary sheet
9use a post driver safely to insert at least two posts, ensuring the posts are facing in the correct directionSummary sheet
10measure the posts to check they are installed at the correct depthSummary sheet
11attach the mesh appropriately at the correct height and on the correct side of the posts, ensuring it is flush with the groundSummary sheet
12check the mesh for holes and patch it where necessarySummary sheet
13check for dips at the base of the fence and plug any gaps with suitable materialSummary sheet
14show awareness of their safety during this activitySummary sheet
15show awareness of the safety of others.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 30 April 2020Level - Entry Level