Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1what is meant by the term ‘emotional intelligence’ and ‘emotional resilience’, highlighting at least two differences between the twoSummary sheet and/or student completed work
2the key reasons why it is important to have good emotional resilience and emotional intelligence in order to be a peer mentorSummary sheet and/or student completed work
3at least two reasons why it is important to keep oneself emotionally safe as a peer mentor, highlighting key ways to do this, eg boundary setting at the startSummary sheet and/or student completed work

demonstrated the ability to

4reflect on two situations they have faced where they had to use their emotional resilience skills to overcome a challenge, identifying the skills they usedSummary sheet and/or student completed work
5identify four factors which impact on emotional resilience and highlight how these may affect working with a menteeSummary sheet and/or student completed work
6explain three ways one may support and encourage a mentee to let go of negative emotionsSummary sheet and/or student completed work
7recognise and identify five positive and five negative emotions a mentee may show during a peer mentor sessionSummary sheet and/or student completed work
8recognise a minimum of two emotions or behaviours in a mentee which may trigger safeguarding concerns that need to be reportedSummary sheet and/or student completed work


9analysing two case studies as part of a group, identifying what emotions a mentee is displaying through their behaviour and the potential underlying causesSummary sheet
10taking part in a practical activity to analyse their emotional state at different times in their life.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 29 February 2020Level - Level Three