Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify the first sense memory is attached toStudent completed work
2identify the three most important senses for sensory processingStudent completed work
3explain the function of the proprioception senseStudent completed work
4identify the sense associated with how and where an individual moves in spaceStudent completed work
5identify three types of sensory processing difficulties an individual with autism may haveStudent completed work
6list three examples of what an individual with over responsiveness to auditory input might displayStudent completed work
7list three proprioception activities that can help an individual in organising and regulating their sensory systemsStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

8what sort of movement is calming for individuals with autismStudent completed work
9how to support an individual with autism who is overly sensitive to touchStudent completed work
10the difference between sensory preferences and sensory processing difficultiesStudent completed work
11the main effects of deep pressure touchStudent completed work
12what is responsible for giving the brain feedback about our movement senseStudent completed work
13which senses are closely linkedStudent completed work


14taking part in sensory practical exercisesSummary sheet
15watching a video clip on senses.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 28 February 2020Level - Level Two