Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify and collect the tools and equipment required for the taskSummary sheet
2remove the top cap Summary sheet
3loosen the pinch bolts on the stem and remove the handlebars Summary sheet
4remove the spacers and dust seal Summary sheet
5remove the compression ringSummary sheet
6remove the forks from the head tubeSummary sheet
7remove the bearing from the head tubeSummary sheet
8service the bearings or replace them if damagedSummary sheet
9replace the bearings in the head tubeSummary sheet
10reattach the forks and compression ringSummary sheet
11reattach the dust seal and spacersSummary sheet
12reattach the stem and top capSummary sheet
13test ride the bikeSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

14basic bicycle maintenanceSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

15work safely in and around the bike shop.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 28 February 2020Level - Entry Level