Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1taking part in a discussion about the definition of 'youth work'Summary sheet
2learning about the administration tools available to them during the voluntary workSummary sheet
3participating in a discussion about safeguarding and confidentialitySummary sheet
4taking part in a discussion about a given theory on participationSummary sheet
5volunteering at a youth club for a minimum of six sessionsSummary sheet
6creating a plan for a six week youth work programme which includes a budget and resource planStudent completed work
7reflecting on and evaluating their volunteering experienceSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8the key facts and processes needed to successfully and safely volunteer in a youth club environmentStudent completed work
9the background to the Every Child Matters (ECM) initiative and the five ECM outcomes.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 14 February 2020Level - Level One