Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1prepare the refreshments in an appropriate orderSummary sheet
2place the correct amount of coffee in cups and teabags in tea potsSummary sheet
3use the urn safely and independentlySummary sheet
4serve the refreshments on timeSummary sheet
5remove dirty items from the foyer after serviceSummary sheet
6load the dishwasher correctly and put it on a suitable cycleSummary sheet
7dry the items and polish them where necessarySummary sheet
8clean the sinkSummary sheet
9leave the work area tidySummary sheet


10handling money and counting, eg to calculate total prices or the amount of change requiredSummary sheet
11working as part of a team to serve refreshmentsSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12where to correctly dispose of waste and recyclingSummary sheet
13where the equipment and extra stock are kept in the kitchen.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 16 December 2019Level - Entry Level