Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1recognise England on maps of the world, Europe and the UKStudent completed work
2use standard English to greet someone and respond to a greeting Summary sheet
3compare standard English with at least two colloquial formsSummary sheet
4recognise and colour correctly the English flagStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

5the date, history and main traditions associated with St George's dayStudent completed work
6three other English festivals or events established for at least forty years, eg Wimbledon, Guy Fawkes Night, Cooper's Hill Cheese-RollingStudent completed work
7the main features of England's human and physical geography, including the location of seven regions such as London and the Midlands, four waterways, three inhabited islands, Scarfell Pike and four national parksStudent completed work
8one city or population centre in each of the seven English regions identifiedStudent completed work


9attending a traditional English festival or eventPhotograph(s)
10singing the first and last verses of 'God save the Queen' as a group Summary sheet
11preparing, cooking and eating traditional English food.Summary sheet and/or photograph(s)

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 15 November 2019Level - Entry Level