Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1what is meant by the term 'County Lines'Summary sheet
2the main risks and harms posed to young people involved in County LinesSummary sheet
3the main parties involved in a County Lines operation, eg the supplier, the runner, the street dealers, the phone line, the trap houseSummary sheet
4at least two control mechanisms utilised by organised drug dealing groupsSummary sheet
5at least two ways to mitigate the risk posed to young people from County Lines operationsSummary sheet
6the main provisions of the Modern Slavery Act, particularly those relating to human traffickingSummary sheet
7the key advice to give to parents and guardians about County LinesSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

8assess the main signs and indicators of criminal exploitation.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 November 2019Level - Level One