Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1why the body needs carbohydrates, protein, fat, fibre, water, vitamins and mineralsSummary sheet


2taking part in a discussion on the meaning of the term ‘balanced diet’Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

3the main health benefits of eating a balanced diet Summary sheet


4taking part in a discussion on the eatwell plate and how it represents a balanced dietSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

5identify three specific foods from each segment of the eatwell plateSummary sheet
6view photographs of three meals and suggest changes which could be made to make the meals more consistent with the eatwell plateSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7five NHS-advised dietary goals, such as eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and the rationale behind themSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

8suggest two possible changes to their own lifestyle in terms of diet. Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 November 2019Level - Entry Level