Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1actively participate in group discussions and activitiesSummary sheet
2work as part of a team to solve a given problemSummary sheet
3name three benefits of working as a teamStudent completed work
4identify the five senses and explain their importanceSummary sheet
5outline at least two differences between healthy and unhealthy relationshipsStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

6the Joint Enterprise Law and how the behaviour and actions of each member in a group can contribute towards a Joint Enterprise chargeSummary sheet
7a victim of crime’s views and opinionsSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8the main features of passive, aggressive and assertive communication stylesSummary sheet
9how to be assertive by using the ‘Describe, Explain, Say’ (DES) techniqueStudent completed work
10at least five positive and five difficult emotionsStudent completed work
11the legal consequences of sharing or possessing indecent imagesSummary sheet
12what to do if someone is bleedingStudent completed work
13what to do if someone is unconsciousStudent completed work


14working within a group to develop practical and thinking skills.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 November 2019Level - Level One