Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1find north using a compassSummary sheet
2navigate with a simple map between designated pointsSummary sheet
3tie, with assistance, a clove hitch and a round turn with two half hitchesSummary sheet
4erect a shelterSummary sheet
5source at least two materials needed to start a fireSummary sheet
6use a flint steel striker to light a fireSummary sheet
7filter water using a Millbank bagSummary sheet
8exhibit at least one of the LORIC skills (leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative, communication)Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

9at least two ways to find north without the use of a compassSummary sheet
10the purpose of a shelterSummary sheet
11three open fire safety considerationsSummary sheet
12one method of purifying water in a survival situationSummary sheet


13working as part of a teamSummary sheet
14collecting water from a Millbank filter.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 18 October 2019Level - Level One