Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1use atlases and the internet to identify at least three of the physical and human features of RussiaStudent completed work
2create a climate graph for Russia and make two interpretations of the dataStudent completed work
3locate the main Russian biomes and identify a minimum of two animals that may live thereStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

4at least two causes of Russia’s environmental problemsStudent completed work
5the key events of the Chernobyl disasterStudent completed work
6the key events in the Russian Revolution and who Lenin wasStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

7discuss why Russia is such a hard country to ruleStudent completed work
8consider if Nicholas II was a bad or good Tsar and give a reason for their choiceStudent completed work
9order the events leading up to the 1905 Revolution and categorise them as long term or short termStudent completed work
10use at least two primary sources of information to consider the effect Rasputin had on the Tsar’s reputation.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 27 September 2019Level - Level One