Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take part in setting the ground rules for a peer mentoring training groupSummary sheet
2work in a group situation to complete training as a peer mentorSummary sheet
3participate actively in a group discussion about mentoringSummary sheet
4participate actively in role play using the skills and principles of peer mentoring, eg working with others, effective communication, active listeningSummary sheet
5identify and use at least three active communication skills, eg body language, eye contact, non-verbal communicationSummary sheet
6identify at least two potential barriers to listeningSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

7at least five qualities of a good peer mentorSummary sheet
8equal opportunities and the importance of non-discriminatory practiceSummary sheet
9at least three responsibilities of a peer mentorSummary sheet
10how to deal with at least three difficult situations which may occur while acting as a peer mentorSummary sheet
11how to empower others to make informed choices about their livesSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12at least two problem solving techniquesSummary sheet
13how to engage with a group of students in an appropriate activity during a peer mentoring sessionSummary sheet
14the key principles of their school's anti-bullying policy.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 10 October 2019Level - Level One