Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1prepare a given topic for presentation in a debateSummary sheet
2present the topic to an audienceSummary sheet
3work as part of a team by taking an agreed role in the research and presentation of the debating topicSummary sheet
4actively listen to the points raised by others, eg by addressing these points in their counter argumentsSummary sheet
5influence and persuade others, eg by putting forward factual and well reasoned points of viewSummary sheet
6speak clearly and confidentlySummary sheet
7interact with others in a respectful waySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8at least two sources of information that have been used to research a debating topicSummary sheet
9how to prepare to counter for or against a given point of viewSummary sheet
10the importance of timekeeping and pace in a debating environmentSummary sheet
11the key aspects of a well-structured presentationSummary sheet


12taking part in a group debateSummary sheet
13taking part in a discussion.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 September 2019Level - Level One