Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify at least three things that are going well and at least three areas to develop for themself and their co-facilitators during a mid-course reviewSummary sheet
2plan and deliver at least two activities, with a co-facilitatorStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
3co-facilitate an activity for younger people under regular supervision through effective planning, preparation and reflective practiceSummary sheet
4provide an effective communication bridge and feedback loop between the professional practitioners and younger people on at least two occasionsSummary sheet
5select and use a minimum of two appropriate skills and methods to act as a positive role model for young peopleSummary sheet
6select and use at least two appropriate techniques and skills to help and support young people to participate in activities for each sessionSummary sheet
7use reflective and active listening techniques in a group settingSummary sheet
8observe and reflect on group dynamicsStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

9their main responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding of both children and adultsStudent completed work
10at least two ways to implement a diversity, inclusivity and opportunities framework Student completed work
11the main role of a group facilitator Student completed work


12receiving feedback on their facilitation from peers and tutorsSummary sheet
13giving feedback to peers on their facilitationStudent completed work
14evaluating their own learning after participation in a leadership programme, using a reflection and evaluation worksheet.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 August 2019Level - Level Three