Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1describe a situation when they felt confident and how they behaved in that situationStudent completed work
2describe a situation when they did not feel confident and how they behaved in that situationStudent completed work
3outline at least two behaviours that can influence the way other people view themStudent completed work
4identify a minimum of two social situations which can make people feel uncomfortableStudent completed work
5give an example of a type of behaviour which could be inappropriate in a social situationStudent completed work
6explain how a person's behaviour could be altered to enable them to participate more effectively in social situationsStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

7a situation that can make a person feel stressedStudent completed work
8how a person will feel when stressedStudent completed work
9at least two techniques that can be used to reduce stressStudent completed work
10how these techniques can help a person feel betterStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

11why setting a goal can help increase confidenceStudent completed work
12how having an action plan can help achieve set goalsStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

13outline at least two ways in which goal setting can help contribute to self confidence.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 18 July 2019Level - Level One