Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1what is meant by the terms extremism, terrorism and radicalisationStudent completed work
2at least three factors which contribute to the formation of extremist ideologiesStudent completed work
3at least three ways people can reduce the risks associated with extremism in their communitiesStudent completed work
4persuasive, divisive, and manipulative language used in the media, including social media, by giving one example of each type of languageStudent completed work
5one possible impact of marginalisation of minority groups through the mediaStudent completed work
6how charismatic leaders can distort people’s perceptions of the value of the beliefs and ideas they promote by giving at least three examplesStudent completed work


7discussing ways to resist influence to act in ways which go against human rights and their own values and what to do if a person is concerned about the behaviour or views of someone they knowSummary sheet
8discussing what might cause people to become involved in extremist groupsSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

9identify at least two ways to promote inclusion and actively challenge intolerance or divisive behaviourStudent completed work
10assess at least one source material for bias and explain the impact of any bias found.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 8 July 2019Level - Level One