Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify two theories that underpin anti oppressive practiceStudent completed work
2identify the four elements which contribute to confusion about identityStudent completed work
3identify the six stages of coming out for a young personStudent completed work
4identify three reasons why a young person may struggle to come out at school/collage Student completed work
5identify two advantages and disadvantages to coming out to a social workerStudent completed work
6identify two advantages and disadvantages to coming out to a doctorStudent completed work
7identify two strategies that could be put in place to support a young person struggling with sexuality issues in schoolStudent completed work
8identify three reasons why a young person may identify different sexual preference during the coming out processStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

9at least three therapeutic approaches that could be used in order to help a young person who is struggling with identity Student completed work

demonstrated the ability to

10identify two practical ways that their organisation could raise visibility when working with young people in regard to sexuality and identityStudent completed work
11evaluate their own practice with regard to this and identify two areas for improvement in relation to working with lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and questioning young peopleStudent completed work
12identify two policies within their practice that support young people with identity issues. Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 24 June 2019Level - Level Three