Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1at least four different wildlife animalsStudent completed work
2the habitats of the four chosen wildlife animalsStudent completed work
3how to care for the four chosen habitats and why it is importantSummary sheet
4the importance of having the correct habitat and environment for at least four chosen animalsSummary sheet
5at least two ways in which humans can take care of wildlife habitatsSummary sheet
6the main sources of food available within each of the four wildlife habitats identifiedSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

7work as part of a team when planning and making a wildlife habitatSummary sheet
8select the most appropriate location in which to create a wildlife habitatStudent completed work
9plan, design and make a wildlife habitatSummary sheet
10identify at least two health and safely rules when creating a wildlife habitatSummary sheet


11creating a wildlife habitatStudent completed work and/or photographs
12presenting information and talking with others about their wildlife habitatSummary sheet
13looking after and caring for their wildlife habitat.Student completed work and/or photographs

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 June 2019Level - Level One