Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1what conflict is defined asStudent completed work
2what violence is defined asStudent completed work
3how to analyse a past experience relating to violence Summary sheet
4at least three thought processes and how they relate to behaviourStudent completed work
5how to interpret at least two proverbs relating to conflictStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

6practice active listening and give a reason why it is important Summary sheet
7explore at least three of their responses to conflictSummary sheet
8create a road map, ie an individual track of their life path showing at least three life experiences and one plan for the futureStudent completed work
9verbalise at least three feelings relating to conflictSummary sheet
10relate at least three past experiences to their emotions, identifying their use of violence in a conflict situationSummary sheet
11look at the way they react in at least three given conflict situations and change their perspective in the way they react for eachSummary sheet


12watching video examples of violent and non violent conflicts and discussing what they have seenSummary sheet
13taking part in group work around behaviour and conflict Summary sheet
14undertaking work that asks them to think differently.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 22 May 2019Level - Level One