Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1name five European countries and their capital citiesSummary sheet
2say "Hello", "Goodbye", "How are you?" and "Thank you" in three European languages of their choiceSummary sheet
3write a fictional postcard to their home address describing what they did on a visit to a European country naming at least three relevant landmarksStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

4a food native to a European country of their choiceStudent completed work
5three famous landmarks in a European country of their choiceStudent completed work
6traditional clothing from a European country of their choiceStudent completed work
7a famous person from a European country of their choice and what they are famous for.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 31 May 2019Level - Entry Level