Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1reference data for measurements and recommended fluids as required from workshop manualsSummary sheet or Student completed work
2check the following fluid levels, replenish as required and record decisions or actions: coolant, screenwash, brake fluid, powersteering, engine oilSummary sheet or Student completed work
3change the engine oil and filterSummary sheet
4remove, gap and refit the sparking plugsSummary sheet
5check and adjust valve clearances on an overhead valve engineSummary sheet
6inspect the hoses and connections for leaks and general condition, within the coolant, fuel, windscreen wash, brake and power steering systems, and report to the instructorSummary sheet or Student completed work

shown knowledge of

7the correct fluids to use for at least three specific purposes, by using manuals as a referenceSummary sheet or Student completed work
8the purpose of the lubrication system within the engineSummary sheet or Student completed work
9the reasons for correct positioning of the plug leadsSummary sheet or Student completed work
10the reasons for valve clearances and the effects of incorrect adjustmentSummary sheet or Student completed work


11receiving instruction from an appropriately qualified person.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 29 May 2019Level - Level One