Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1calculate a food budget for the weekStudent completed work
2plan the meals required for three or more daysStudent completed work
3prepare a shopping list for the meals required for three or more daysStudent completed work
4use a supermarket website to estimate the cost of grocery shopping for three or more daysStudent completed work
5shop in a supermarket or online for the ingredients required for three or more daysSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

6the difference between use by and best before datesSummary sheet
7three foods that require refrigerationStudent completed work
8at least five types of food that can be frozenSummary sheet
9the storage times for at least five different types of food in the fridge or freezerSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

10independently prepare one of the meals planned.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 30 April 2019Level - Entry Level