Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1match photos of themselves as a baby, a boy or girl, and a young man or young woman, with pictures of the signs for ‘baby’, ‘boy’ or ‘girl’, and ‘man’ or ‘woman’Summary sheet
2identify themselves from photos, a picture of their fingerspelled name and their printed nameSummary sheet
3sort pictures or symbols of at least 20 familiar activities or items into groups of ‘best, really like’, ‘good, like’ or ‘don’t like’, using symbol headingsSummary sheet
4choose, using signs and symbols, at least three activities which help them to relax, from a choice of ten symbolsSummary sheet


5taking part in signed discussions, supported by symbols, about leaving school and moving on to adult provisionSummary sheet
6visiting their post-school provision with support from familiar staff.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 February 2019Level - Pre-Entry Level