Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1how to recognise at least three different signs for emotions and recognise the words associated with each emotionSummary sheet
2how to match at least three emojis to match the word to describe the emoji Student completed work
3how to match human expressions to the three emojisStudent completed work
4how to match human expressions to the three wordsStudent completed work
5how to use a tally to collect information when asking staff and students what emotion they are feeling todayStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

6show and describe at least three emotions independentlySummary sheet
7use at least two different emotions to describe at least two different scenariosStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

8how to ask at least two people how they are feeling using awareness of different emotions. Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 February 2019Level - Pre-Entry Level