Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1communicate at least one piece of information about what they have readSummary sheet
2read or recognise their own full nameSummary sheet
3read or recognise at least three pieces of their personal information, eg name, address and phone numberSummary sheet
4read or recognise at least three signs or symbols in each of the following environments: a) the sixth form b) a local shop c) road safety signsSummary sheet
5read and follow at least three different types of instructional texts written in pictures, words or symbols to complete a set taskSummary sheet
6read and follow two lists to include: a) a shopping list b) a jobs listSummary sheet


7reading a page of pictures/symbol/words from at least three different genres of text, eg magazines, books or newspapers.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 14 November 2018Level - Entry Level