Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify at least two things that are going well and at least two areas to develop for self and co-facilitators during a mid-course reviewSummary sheet
2plan and deliver at least two activities from a course manual, with a co-facilitatorStudent completed work
3use role play effectively to demonstrate a specific learning pointSummary sheet
4co-facilitate a course under regular supervision through effective planning, preparation and reflective practiceSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

5at least two visible and invisible differences in relation to social gracesSummary sheet
6group process in relation to task and maintenanceSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

7the course content, including: a) the main responsibilities in relation to safeguarding both children and adults and the main challenges of equal opportunities b) the role of a group facilitator and Tuckman’s model of group life c) reflective listening in a group settingStudent completed work and/or summary sheet


8receiving feedback on facilitation from peers and tutorsSummary sheet
9giving feedback on facilitation practiceStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

10observing and reflecting on group dynamics.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 14 November 2018Level - Level Three