Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1select the necessary ingredients for making peppermint creams, eg eggs, icing sugar, peppermint extract and food colouringSummary sheet
2select suitable equipment for making peppermint creams, eg baking sheet, grease proof paper, bowl or wooden spoonSummary sheet
3line a baking sheet with grease proof paperSummary sheet
4whisk an egg white until fluffySummary sheet
5sift icing sugar and stir in the egg whiteSummary sheet
6mix until the mixture becomes stiffSummary sheet
7add the right amount of peppermint essenceSummary sheet
8roll the mixture into balls and place on a baking traySummary sheet
9refrigerate the peppermint creams for 24 hoursSummary sheet
10design and/or decorate suitable packaging for the peppermint creamsSummary sheet and/or photograph(s)

shown knowledge of

11alternative flavourings that can be used to make peppermint creamsSummary sheet
12alternative food colourings that can be usedSummary sheet
13the main health and hygiene requirements in a food production environment.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 14 November 2018Level - Entry Level