Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1how to gain permission to metal detect from a land owner, eg in person or in writingSummary sheet
2any restrictions that apply to metal detecting in a chosen area, eg protected archaeological sitesSummary sheet
3at least two types of location offering the best chances of success, eg areas with high foot traffic, ruins or abandoned areasSummary sheet
4the type and use of at least one object found Summary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

5gather the necessary equipment for metal detecting, eg detector, trowel, headphones, glovesSummary sheet
6cover ground effectively with the detector using a slow, low arc moving forwards over the length and breadth of the chosen areaSummary sheet
7cut or dig objects out in a plug, removing turf with a trowelSummary sheet
8sift through the plug for findsSummary sheet
9replace soil and turf after sifting, leaving no trace.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 September 2018Level - Entry Level